Editor, Journal for Service Quality Enhancement (JSQE)
CEO & Lead Consultant, Center for Service Quality Enhancement (CSQE)
25A Lake Drive Road, Sector:7, Uttara, Dhaka:1230.
Cell: +88-01763717080 Email: tareque@csqebd.org
Dr. Mohammed Tareque Aziz is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Founder of Center for Service Quality Enhancement. Being a professor of relationship marketing and retailing he has more than 25 years of first-hand experience in consulting service businesses within the South and South East Asian region. Dr. Aziz earned his PhD in Retail Marketing from UUM, Malaysia a globally prestigious AACSB Accredited University. Before joining GUB, Dr. Aziz taught more than twelve years in University of Asia Pacific (UAP), BRAC University, IUBAT and University Utara Malaysia (UUM). In IUBAT he was the Dean of their College of Business Administration (CBA) and in BRAC University he contributed as the Head of Operations of BRAC Business School (BBS) for several years. In UUM Dr. Aziz took university courses with multi-cultural audiences comprised of students from more than 20 countries. Prior pursuance of his academic career he served in some of the leading retail companies of South Asia namely WESTECS, AARONG (a retail project of BRAC world's largest NGO), MGH Group and BRAC Bank Ltd. in senior management positions. Dr. Aziz is also currently the 'Consulting Editor' of country's leading industrial journal 'Bangladesh Textile Today'. Dr. Aziz is an experienced academician and retail professional with expertise in the areas of business review and analysis, retail planning, brand management, project management, settlement negotiation and corporate compliance. Dr. Aziz has presented papers and attended conferences & seminars in countries like Denmark, India, China, Malaysia, Thailand, South Africa, Nepal, Singapore and UAE. Being specialized in post-graduate level teaching (MBA/EMBA/Professional career development programs), he has taught graduate and post graduate level courses in brand management, international marketing, service sector marketing, marketing research, marketing management, marketing strategy & policy, international business, cross cultural management and operations management. With keen academic interests in the areas of relationship marketing, brand management and service sector management his articles have been published in International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (IJRDM), Asia Pacific Journal of Retail and marketing management, Journal of business administration & management sciences research, international proceedings of economic development and research journals, & International Post Graduate Business Journal, Malaysia. His research interests include relationship marketing, brand management, consumer behavior, small and medium enterprise development and retailing. Dr. Aziz defines himself as a detail-oriented and resourceful individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, combined with an understanding of complex marketing issues.